Welcome to Veles Enterprises, a family-owned trucking company based out of Homer Glen, IL, home to some of the finest drivers, safe and reliable equipment, and the most dedicated office staff in the industry.

About Us
Our goal is to meet specific quality assurance standards, and is something our customers appreciate and look for in a carrier. We do that by continuously improving quality through safety and reliable service. Our executives have many years of experience in the trucking industry, and the wealth of this experience flows through the organization from drivers to fleet management, to office employees.
Above all, we value the success and wellbeing of our drivers. We will continue to offer one of the highest compensation packages in the industry paired with impeccably well maintained and up-to-date equipment. Our investment in the newest technologies that make our drivers’ everyday lives practical and more convenient will continue. We will make sure our drivers are home often and on time, and we will stay committed to building and maintaining strong relationships with our clients, customers, and you – the drivers!